That was when I discovered that you CAN have desserts on the keto diet. Using ingredients such as almond flour, coconut flour, and sugar-free sweeteners, one can actually create amazing treats!

Frequently asked questions

Keto cheesecakes

It’s no coincidence I started this collection with cheesecakes. They are probably my favorite type of dessert (with chocolate as a close second!). The good news: it’s VERY easy to create keto cheesecakes. You don’t need to replace flour - all you need to replace is the sweetener. In my case, it’s a bit more challenging because I like to use stevia. But it’s still completely doable, and the results are just as good, as tasty and creamy as traditional cheesecakes.

1. Keto cheesecake

This cake is amazing. It tastes JUST LIKE regular cheesecake. I use low-fat ingredients, but you can definitely use full-fat ones if you prefer.

2. Ricotta cheesecake

Ricotta cheesecake is different from regular cheesecake because it tends to be light and airy. So it’s not as creamy, but it’s lighter in texture. I love both!

3. Mini cheesecakes

These mini cheesecakes are so lovely and so very easy to make. You can top them with anything you want - I am partial to blueberry compote or to chocolate whipped cream.

4. Mini chocolate cheesecakes

These are amazing. Just try them and you’ll see. They combine the best of both worlds - the richness of cheesecake with a deep chocolatey flavor. And they are very easy to make!

Sweet keto breakfast

I don’t think any of us are deluding ourselves into thinking that donuts for breakfast are optimal. But as long as it’s a once-in-a-while affair and not a daily occurrence, I think it’s good to have a keto option for a deliciously sweet breakfast.

5. Chocolate donuts

The only challenge when making these scrumptious donuts is that you need to use a well-greased silicone donut pan to prevent sticking. Other than that, it’s a simple recipe that yields impressive results.

6. Blueberry scones

I am amazed at how good these scones are. The orange zest gives them wonderful flavor, and their crumb is wonderfully tender.

Keto cookies and bars

When my husband and I transitioned to a low-carb diet back in 2013, my husband really missed chocolate chip cookies. So it became my mission to find a proper substitute for him. The cookies that I came up with were so good, that since then I have added several more cookie recipes to my collection.

7. Chocolate chip cookies

These are for my husband… and now that I make them, he doesn’t need to ever feel deprived!

8. Chocolate cookies

I really like soft and chewy cookies, and these are perfect. Making them with nut butter gives them this irresistible texture. And their flavor is deeply chocolatey.

9. Peanut butter cookies

Peanut butter is one of the best things that life has to offer, and luckily, we can enjoy it on the keto diet. These peanut butter cookies are wonderfully soft and chewy.

10. Shortbread cookies

I make these buttery cookies in honor of my Dutch grandma Miep, who used to bake with lots of butter. As you can imagine, her baked goods were scrumptious!

This is a recipe that I developed in an attempt to save my teenage daughter from junky supermarket cookie dough. I’m happy to say I succeeded! She loves this dessert and has learned to make it by herself (it’s VERY easy).

12. Brownies

While keto brownies lack the crispy exterior and gooey interior typical to sugary brownies, they are excellent. Soft and fudgy, they have a deeply chocolatey flavor and it’s quite difficult to stop at one square!

Keto cakes

My personal preference is simple cakes without frosting such as this fluffy coconut flour cake. But when the occasion calls for it, it’s good to know that one can indulge in a rich multilayer cake such as the delicious options featured here!

13. Birthday cake

I made this cake for my husband. It’s a keto rendition of the birthday cake his grandma used to make, and he says it’s just as good! (My guess is it’s almost as good. Those grandmas had a magic hand in the kitchen!)

14. Chocolate cake

And this one.. is for me. My favorite childhood cake was a simple chocolate sheet cake with chocolate frosting and colorful sprinkles on top. This recipe is as close as you can get to that on a low-carb diet.

15. Carrot cake

I wasn’t sure how easy (or not) it would be to make a carrot cake that would be appropriate for a keto diet. I’m happy to say that it IS possible! With around 7g carbs and 3g fiber for a generous frosted slice, this cake is a great low-carb option.

Keto mug cakes

Mug cakes are such an amazing keto dessert. Making them is the quickest and easiest way to satisfy those sugar cravings. And another advantage is that they are usually single-serve, so they are self-limiting, which is a very good thing.

16. Microwave cheesecakes

This is one of the most successful recipes on this blog, and it’s also quite controversial. Many readers love it. Just as many say (mostly on Pinterest) that it needs more cream cheese to taste like true cheesecake. I make the original recipe regularly and adore it. Why don’t you try for yourself? It’s ready in a few minutes and requires just a few ingredients.

17. Chocolate mug cake

If you like gooey chocolate desserts, this is the one for you! When I first made it I struggled a bit because it made two servings and I was always tempted to polish them both off… I have since learned to make a single serving. Phew!

18. Peanut butter mug cake

Peanut butter flavor and a fluffy cake texture… this is perfection. Topped with a dollop of keto whipped cream, it’s definitely one of my favorite keto desserts.

19. Pumpkin mug cake

This cake is really good even without the frosting, and my feeling is that without it, it’s okay to have it for breakfast on occasion. With the creamy frosting, it is elevated into a rich, scrumptious dessert, perfect for fall.

Keto cupcakes

Cupcakes are so much fun. No wonder cupcake shops are all the rage these days! They are fun to make and fun to eat, and similarly to mug cakes, they are self-limiting. It’s good to know that even on the keto diet cupcakes are definitely an option, and they are just as good as sugary recipes.

20. Chocolate cupcakes

This is another one that I made specifically for my husband. He loves the combination of chocolate and peanut butter. So on his birthday a few years ago I surprised him with these irresistible cupcakes.

21. Vanilla cupcakes

I love pairing simple vanilla cupcakes with a rich chocolate frosting. The contrast in colors and flavors is wonderful.

22. Pumpkin cupcakes

These are my favorite indulgence in the fall, when I start making all things pumpkin. Their crumb is fluffy and tender, and the pumpkin-flavored frosting is wonderfully rich.

Keto mousse, pudding, and frosting

Rich and creamy yet low in carbs and in sugar, these tasty desserts are a real treat. A big advantage is that they don’t require baking or cooking. So they are one of the easiest options for yummy low-carb treats.

23. Chocolate pudding

Can you believe that this rich, delicious pudding is made with just three ingredients and does not require any cooking whatsoever? It’s true! This is one of the treats that I make most often, simply because it’s so easy to make.

24. Chocolate custard

This chocolate custard is dark, rich, and intense. Its texture is smooth and silky. It is one of my favorite chocolate desserts!

25. Cream cheese frosting

I always loved cream cheese frosting, even back in my high-carb days. I like it better than buttercream frosting. It was easy to adapt this one to a low-carb diet by simply replacing the powdered sugar with stevia.

26. Whipped cream

This is another recipe where the keto substitution is effortless. I use the classic whipped cream ratios, but replace the sugar with stevia. This chocolate whipped cream, made with cocoa powder and stevia, is also excellent.

Keto candy

Fudge is amazing, and making a keto version is easy, especially if you use a powdered sweetener. But even if you’re like me and you’d rather use stevia (or just sweeten it with extra dark chocolate), it works, and it’s one of the easiest keto treats you can make.

27. Peanut butter fudge

Rich and fudgy, this fudge is amazing - maybe too amazing! The only drawback to making it without a boatload of powdered sugar is that you need to keep it in the fridge. Otherwise, it gets too soft.

28. Chocolate peanut butter fudge

I got this fine recipe from my friend Jayne, then adapted it for the keto diet. I make it without any added sweeteners, relying on the dark chocolate to sweeten it. It’s perfectly sweet!

29. Chocolate bark

It’s easy to make keto chocolate bark - simply use extra-dark chocolate and focus on nuts instead of dried fruit. Though I do add a very small amount of dried cranberries. They’re just so pretty!

30. Chocolate-covered strawberries

The combination of fruit and chocolate is a classic one. The darker the chocolate you use the better, of course. 👩🏻‍🍳 I typically publish a new or an updated recipe once a week. Want these recipes in your inbox? Subscribe! You can unsubscribe at any time.

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