Once you bite into the warm dough, it’s very difficult to believe that these are made with almond flour and not with the real thing. I used to mourn my beloved weekend morning ritual of a toasted bagel, a thick layer of cream cheese, and a potent cup of coffee. ☕ No more! These bagels are AMAZING. They are soft and doughy, and they taste just wonderful. This is truly a miracle dough and I am so grateful for discovering it.

My inspiration

I made these keto bagels for the first time after using Fathead dough to make empanadas. The dough was so lovely, so golden and flaky and fragrant, that I just knew it would make amazing bagels. So I went into the kitchen and started experimenting. I quickly found out that to make bagels with fathead dough, I would need to add more almond flour than I used for the empanadas. The empanada dough was extremely sticky. There was no way I could shape it into bagels. I also learned that to get lovely, puffy bagels, I would need to add a leavening agent to the dough. So I added some baking powder. It took a few tries, but it was well worth it. I now have a wonderful low-carb bagel recipe that my family really enjoys.


You’ll only need six ingredients to make these keto bagels - don’t you love recipes with a short list of ingredients? Here’s an overview of what you’ll need. The exact measurements are in the recipe card below: Shredded mozzarella: I use bagged pre-shredded part-skim mozzarella. Cream cheese: Use full-fat cream cheese, not reduced-fat. Almond flour: An excellent flour substitute that baked exceptionally well. Blanched finely ground almond flour works best. I don’t recommend using a coarse almond meal in this recipe. Baking powder: Please make sure it’s fresh. Egg: One large egg is all you need. Sesame seeds: Optional, but I think they make the bagels look amazing! You can also use Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel seasoning.


Expert tip

You’ll want to work quickly, kneading the dough well before it cools and making sure it’s completely uniform. However, if the dough has cooled and hardened and is impossible to knead, do not despair! You start by microwaving shredded mozzarella and cream cheese until melted. Then stir them. Now, add almond flour, baking powder, and egg and quickly mix everything together to form a dough. Briefly knead the dough, then divide it into six equal parts. Roll each part into a log, then shape it into a bagel. Dip the bagels in sesame seeds, then bake them for about 15 minutes in a preheated 350°F oven. Simply microwave it for a few seconds (start with 10 seconds) until it’s pliable again.

Frequently asked questions

Topping suggestions

Naturally, like all bagels, these practically beg for a thick layer of cream cheese and perhaps some lox on top! They’re also very good with butter, sugar-free jam, peanut butter, chocolate hazelnut spread, and walnut butter. You can also use them to make a keto breakfast sandwich. My dad makes these bagels regularly (hi dad! ❤️). He reports that they’re excellent with feta cheese. Here are dad’s bagels:


There are three ways to vary the basic recipe:

Season the bagels - similarly to what I do when making the above-mentioned pretzels. You can add a bit of garlic powder and onion powder, for example. Try ¼ teaspoon of each. Mix them into the almond flour before adding it to the mixture.Vary your toppings. Instead of sesame seeds, you can use poppy seeds, coarse salt, or Everything Bagel seasoning.You could try a sweet version by adding ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a granulated sweetener to equal ¼ cup sugar. Mix them into the almond flour before adding it to the mixture.

Storing leftovers

👩🏻‍🍳 I typically publish a new or an updated recipe once a week. Want these recipes in your inbox? Subscribe! You can unsubscribe at any time. It’s best to freeze them because they don’t keep very well in the fridge. They tend to deflate when stored and lose their fluffiness.

Recipe card

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