Honestly, right now I could eat a bucket of melted chocolate. In fact last night, after finding a 200g bar of dairy milk in one of our many kitchen boxes, I melted it down, then me, Chris and the kids hunched around, dipping anything edible we could find into that bowl of sweet, calorific heaven. Biscuits, satsumas, marshmallows, raspberries, pretzels, you name it. For the kids, it was a fun and greedy treat. For Chris and I, it was a sticking-plaster-stress-reliever after hearing that work on our kitchen was being put back again. I’m trying to be patient. But after a month of no kitchen, thick layers of dust everywhere, and the conclusion that we won’t be done by Christmas, we succumbed to stuffing ourselves with chocolate. And then we felt bad about it afterwards!!!

So this morning I’ve been looking through my little stockpile of a few recipes I’ve made, but not blogged yet, and I came across this avocado mousse bowl that I created for Superfood Magazine a couple of months ago. This is going to be my go-to next time I NEED a chocolate fix. Of course, I haven’t got an oven right now, so I can’t roast the cherries (which is a bloomin shame, because those roasted cherries are sooooo good), but I have got a little plug-in hob, meaning I can caramelise them in the pan.

The rest of the dish is no-bake, so it’s easy peasy and a whole lot healthier than buckets of melted chocolate!

The Avocado chocolate mousse bowl with roasted cherries Recipe:

Italian Hot Chocolate Chocolate and Amaretto Affogato Mexican Hot Chocolate Chocolate Bread And Butter Pudding Cake Chocolate Snickers Cupcakes Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake Ice Lollies

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