-Yes, I did squeal with girlish delight when I put these together and saw how they turned out all lined up together -Yes, I can fit a whole one in my mouth (I tested that theory several times) -Yes, I did drink the teeny tiny, slightly warm beers once Chris had finished photographing them  

  I was having a bit of a cooking/baking day on Saturday.  My folks were coming around for tea the following day, so I’d been making some meatballs ahead of time.  The kids were making chocolate fairy cakes, so I decided to stick around to oversee matters, whilst cooking up a batch of orange sweet rolls. It was at this point I remembered Chris and I had been talking about making some bite sized burgers after i’d seen some really cute ones on Pinterest.  So I thought I could use some of the leftover dough from the sweet rolls to make mini burger buns (a little like brioche but less eggy) and some of the meatball mix to make the little burger patties.  A plan was formed! I topped the burgers with a little bit of bacon, cheddar, some baby spinach leaves and a drizzle of ketchup.  They went perfectly with these little ‘pints’ of beer (using glasses that I’ve had in the cupboard for a couple of years - the cute factor won me over again!). So, here’s my recipe.  I’ve written this to make 40 burgers as I was thinking of them as canapes for a party or get together.  It’s very easy to eat 5 or 6 per person (if you’re not having anything else).  If you don’t want to make that many, you could always halve the amounts, but I would suggest using any extra dough to make sweet rolls and any extra burger mix to make meatballs.  Always good to have some extras with no extra effort!!  


The Bite Sized Burgers Recipe:


Bite Sized Burgers - 34Bite Sized Burgers - 78Bite Sized Burgers - 78Bite Sized Burgers - 17Bite Sized Burgers - 77