Serving it in a bread bowl is optional…. but it’s a terrific way to serve it!!


I will never forget the first time I had dip in a bread bowl. I was 12, and it was a a retro Soup Mix French Onion dip. I ate so much darn dip and the bread bowl, I sat in the corner like an overstuffed Oompa Loompa while everyone else played party games. I was 12. I lacked self control. Wait. Who am I kidding. I’m 30-something and I still lack self control! So that first experience of dip in a bread bowl ruined me for life. Because dip in bread bowls is not just about the dip. Equally as important is that dip soaked bread that everyone at the party fights over, even well before the dip is finished.

As of 10am this morning, I had no idea what I would be post this afternoon. I like to think I’m that person with a professional sounding editorial calendar that I plan weeks and months in advance. Which I actually do have. But one of the luxuries / dangers of being the Executive Managing Editor of a simple sole-person blog is that I can change it on a whim at the last minute. Sometimes it’s because I just want to test a recipe one more time, just to be sure. Sometimes it’s because even though I had a great week of recipes planned, I’m still not happy with a recipe – or my taste testers are divided on the “best” version (such being the case today for Blueberry Cheesecake Bars I had originally planned to post). And other times, also like today, I wake up and even though I have a handful of other sweet recipes I could use instead, I just have an urge to share something savoury. Usually something cheesy. And bacony. Hot and creamy. Well hello there Mr Cheese and Bacon Dip. I believe you fit that bill perfectly. Happy weekend everyone! – Nagi x

More dip recipes

Guacamole or Avocado Hummus Dip Hummus Hot Buffalo Chicken Dip French Onion Dip (from scratch) OR  Retro Soup Mix 2 Minute French Onion Dip Hot Corn Dip – you’ll love the flavour in this creamy, bubbly dip! Jalapeno Popper Dip Mexican Queso Dip Smoked Salmon Dip or Hot Smoked Trout Dip See all Dip Recipes

PS Because cob bread varies in size, put excess dip in a ramekin or other heatproof bowl. Or do as I did and grab some bread rolls and make Baby Cheese and Bacon Dip Bread Bowls!!

PPS Look – I even made a video. Today turned out to be a rather productive day – quite a turnaround from waking up to have no idea what recipe I’d be sharing today!




In case you missed it in my Sunday Lamb Roast Lunch story that I shared on Wednesday, further evidence of the uncanny resemblance between Dozer and I. They say all dogs look like their owners…….you see it, don’t you??? Despite his golden fur vs my jet black hair??  😉

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