YES this is easy! Of course it is easy – every recipe on my blog is easy. I promise you this is worth trying. The smell when the pancake hits the pan, the shallots sizzling…..I’m lost for words to describe how good it is. It is a great make ahead dish – you can keep the ready-to-cook pancakes in the fridge or the freezer – and you can cook them in their frozen state, it just takes a 3 minutes instead of 2 minutes on the stove.

The recipe is really easy (full recipe provided below). All you do is combine flour, salt and water to make a dough, set it aside for 10 minutes, divide into two, then roll each ball out thinly into about 1.5ft/50cm x 8″/20cm. Then spray lightly with oil, then roll it up starting from the wide end. Then coil it into a snail shape, push down with your hand and roll out again into the same shape. Repeat with the other ball. Roll them out again. This time after you spray it with oil, scatter over the chopped scallions and a pinch of salt. Then roll it up again, starting from the wide end. After rolling it up, cut the dough in half, then coil again. You will end up with 4 coils. Push down with your hand and roll out into a round pancake about 1/3 ” / 0.5 cm thick. Then you simply pan fry.

The spraying of oil, coiling them re-rolling is what creates the flaky layers which you can see in this photo.


Chinese Scallion Pancakes  shallots green onion  - 27Chinese Scallion Pancakes  shallots green onion  - 91Chinese Scallion Pancakes  shallots green onion  - 92