Well Halloween is done. Just bonfire night to go before the Christmas madness begins. Do you got to a fireworks display or have one at home? We go to a display at our local park pretty much every year. We’re very lucky because the park is so close to us - through a bit of woodland, down some steps and we’re there.

So every bonfire night we get our wellies on and navigate down the steps with torches and backpacks full of goodies. Usually it’s hot chocolate, sometimes hot sausage rolls, and a big tin of still-warm-from-the-oven brownies.

I made regular caramel brownies last year, but this year I decided to add a bit of orange in there too. I love the chocolate orange combo (hence the cheesecake, cookies and hot cross buns!). I’m the one who eats all the orange cremes out of the chocolate box (why oh why did they do away with coffee cremes ????). We somehow manage to scoff our way through the whole tin of brownies during the fireworks display, then we head back home and eat hot dogs or Chris’ homemade chilli to warm up again. Such a greedy family ????????

Chris is suffering from a horrible cold at the moment, but we had a serious bottom-lip response when I suggested we give bonfire night a miss this year and have a cosy night in (and that response was from Chris, not the kids), so it looks like we’ll be heading down there with chocolate caramel orange brownies plus plenty of tissues and Lemsips!

The Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies Recipe:

Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 49Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 70Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 13Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 72Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 45Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 50Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 84Chocolate Caramel Orange Brownies - 33