Can I label this as fusion food? Google tells me fusion food is a mixture of different culinary traditions or cultures. Hmmm. I guess that’s a no then. We could maybe go with eclectic. But I HATE that word. Do you have a word that you just hate? No logical reason, you just have an unwavering dislike for it. Eclectic is that word for me. In fact these are the only two times I’ve ever written it down. I’ve even been known to avoid restaurants and bars because they describe themselves that way on their website. Which is pretty strange, because I really like what the word represents - a style that incorporates lots of different sources. A mixture of methods, beliefs, ideas, cuisines, interiors etc. It’s just that word.  

  I’m probably crazy, so that’s enough about my irrational likes and dislikes. Let’s talk brownies. One of my favourite types of cake to make. Easy, delicious, and tastes the same whether it’s gluten free or not. I use pretty much the same base recipe in my Ferroro Rocher, Gooey Caramel, Turkish Delight and Bottom-of-the-Chocolate-Box brownies. Works every time. Fudgy chocolate with a simple cheesecake cream topping, and an even simpler black cherry topping (like, comes out of a tin easy. Sorry, I know we like the homemade stuff usually, but that cherry pie filling is a bit addictive.).  

  Best served as little bites, I cut mine into 20 pieces. That’s 2 pieces each for the kids and 8 pieces each for me and Chris ???? Come on guys, I’m not that bad. I might let them have a bite of one of my 8 pieces.

The Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake Brownies Recipe:

Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake Ice Lollies Italian Hot Chocolate Avocado Chocolate Mouse with Roasted Cherries Chocolate Cheery Fondant Gluten Free Chocolate Cherry Cake White Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes  

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