Sometimes it’s so pleasant to find yourself sat in front of a lovely breakfast like this that you have to say hi. Or maybe that’s just me. I’m starting to get quite a few granola recipes under my belt, considering I only really discovered granola less than a year ago. I started off with a sugar free version - for those days when i’m feeling virtuous. I soon upped the naughtiness just a little with my regular macaroon and fresh raspberry macaroon versions. and now we have this…..

Still better for you than the pre-packed stuff, this granola is a nutritous, but also totally satisfying (in an ‘I-need-chocolate-give-me-chocolate kind of way) breakfast. My daughter Gracey absolutely loves the stuff. I’m pretty certain that the fact it turns the milk chocolatey has absolutely nothing to do with it (ahem).

I usually serve my granola with Greek yoghurt and blueberries, but Greek yoghurt and chocolate seems a bit strange to me, so I think it works better with milk. Blueberries and milk are also just a bit too far out there, so I change it up with some strawberries and blackberries. I was so pleased when I spotted coconut flakes in the supermarket the other day.  It seems that almost every supermarket in the UK (ok, then 5 supermarkets closest to me) only ever stock shredded coconut.  Why is the UK so far behind the US on the availability of so many ingredients? argggh!! Anyway, I saw it, whooped for joy (earning me a couple of strange looks) and filled my basket. Toasted in the oven for just a few minutes, it tastes amazing.  It burns easily though, so be careful. Definitely a new contender for the evening sofa snack. A snack that I will be eating mindfully (after the mindful eating workshop I attended yesterday evening). I’ll talk a little more about the workshop on Friday, but I really do think it’s going to help me. I even managed to stop eating chocolate last night after a few bites! That doesn’t happen in my world. Are you a chocaholic? I’d love to know if you have any tips for keeping the chocolate-eating under control! If you’ve tried my recipe then please rate the recipe and let me know how you got on in the comments below, I love hearing your thoughts and add-ons to my recipes! You can also follow me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, PINTEREST, and TWITTERto see what I’m up to in the kitchen, what recipes i’m loving, and of course YOUTUBE to see our latest recipe videos! No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Bars Cherry Bakewell Granola Bars Blueberry and Greek yogurt granola bars Coconut macaron granola Cranberry Nut sugar free granola

Chocolate Coconut Granola Recipe:

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Chocolate Coconut Granola - 91Chocolate Coconut Granola - 25Chocolate Coconut Granola - 7Chocolate Coconut Granola - 46Chocolate Coconut Granola - 7Chocolate Coconut Granola - 89