Oh man, you wouldn’t believe how quickly this cheesecake was demolished by out little family of four. It’s quite a rich dessert, so I think you could easily get 12 servings out of it. I made it on a Friday and it was gone by Saturday night. A slice after tea, a slice with a cup of tea, a slice in front of the TV later……. It’s no wonder I seem to spend two weeks of any month putting on five pounds, and the other two weeks losing them again!  

  Fortunately, lighter things like this chicken stir fry with cauliflower fried rice, and these one-pot meatballs with courgetti help to ensure those lighter weeks aren’t complete torture! I do some times wonder if you guys despair of the things I post. One week it’s gooey rolo-stuffed cookies, the next it’s skinny Thai green curry. Some experts recommend that bloggers should find a niche such as gluten free foods or Slimming World dinners or sous vide recipes, and then stick to it.  I just can ’t see how that’s ever going to happen for me. I love all kinds of food, and I want to experiment and share everything!  

Is that ok? Will you still come and see me without being driven crazy that I bounce between making gluten-free cakes and homemade brioche? Please don’t run screaming from my indecisiveness!!

So it’s May!

Gracey starts her SATs tests next week (she’s not stressed at all at the moment, I’m praying it stays that way). Chris has only got 5 weeks left in a real job before we try to make this Kitchen Sanctuary thing work as an actual business that will pay the mortgage (scared and excited in equal measure). And Lewis? well he has a wobbly tooth, so that’s quite a big deal too.  

I’m sticking to my usual sweet tooth and exercise battle. I made an Orange and Almond cake today (on the blog soon!), then power walked around the park with my friend, followed by a quick game of footy with Lewis.  

Hopefully we’ll make the cake last a little longer than the Chocolate orange cheesecake!!

The Chocolate Orange No-Bake Cheesecake Recipe:



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