This easy recipe is ready in about 45 minutes. Hands-on time is just 15 minutes - the rest is chilling the treats in the fridge. There are several classic food combinations. Chocolate and peanut butter come to mind (these peanut butter bars are so good!). Chocolate and coconut is definitely another perfect combination. I first tried coconut haystacks in a small artisan chocolate shop in Lake Tahoe, California. As someone who adores both coconut and dark chocolate, it’s no surprise that I thought they were amazing.



Making coconut haystacks at home is surprisingly easy. The detailed instructions are included in the recipe card below. Here’s an overview of the steps: Dark chocolate: I like Lindt 90%, but you can use your favorite dark chocolate. Or use semisweet chocolate if you find very dark chocolate too bitter. Another option is to use 90% chocolate and add sugar-free sweetener. Coconut oil: You can also use avocado oil, melted ghee, or melted butter. Shredded coconut: I use unsweetened coconut in this recipe.

Expert tip

Please make sure not to use reduced-fat shredded coconut in this recipe. It’s far too dry and the texture of the candy will be off if you use it. I’ve actually tried it once so I’m speaking from experience. Add the coconut oil. Now, stir the coconut oil into the melted chocolate. Mix in the coconut. Stir the shredded coconut into the mixture until it’s completely coated. You’ll want to make sure that all coconut shreds are coated in chocolate. Refrigerate. Place the tray in the fridge until the haystacks are set, about 30 minutes. You can also set them at room temperature, but that will take longer - at least ab hour.

Frequently asked questions


There are a few ways you can vary the basic recipe. Remember that these variations will affect the nutritional info.

Use different types of chocolate. Extra dark, bittersweet, semisweet - whatever you like.Use ghee, avocado oil, or butter instead of coconut oil.Add a few drops of flavor extract to the chocolate mixture. Good options include vanilla extract, coconut extract, and almond extract.

Serving suggestions

In the summer, I like to have these candles with a cold glass of almond milk or iced coffee. In the winter, they’re great with hot coffee or hot chocolate.

Storing leftovers

I keep the leftovers on the counter, in an airtight container, for up to three days. You can probably keep them in the fridge for a week or so. But if you do, remember to remove them from the fridge at least 30 minutes before you plan on enjoying them. Room temperature is always best when enjoying chocolate. 🍫

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Recipe card

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