I promised you cranberry and orange scones, and here they are.  Bursting with juicy cranberries, and smothered in clotted cream and jam! Thank you guys for all your lovely messages and emails about my poorly hand. I admit to feeling a little grumpy, and reading through them put a big smile on my face. You’re the best xxx

It looks like I’m going to be bandaged up for at least another 2 weeks, so I’ll keep my chatter (or 1-and-a-half-handed-typing) to a minimum. I’ve been trying to just ignore it and get on with things normally - after all it was only a little tiny op, but I’ve found:

I can’t open jars (Chris came home from work to find i’d stabbed through the lid of a jar of chocolate sauce repeatedly with a knife - psycho-style. Slightly embarrassed about that one) Trying to rub butter into flour with one hand is more complicated than I thought! I can wash my hair one-handed woo hoo! Wine works better than Ibuprofen (I went out to dinner with the girls on Saturday, so I had to make a choice - Ibuprofen and water, or wine and a little more wine)

Coming back to the scones….. I went to a little market on Sunday, and there were so many varieties of scones on sale! Apple, pumpkin, lemon, chocolate, cheese etc etc! They all looked so good that I’m going to have to try to replicate some of them. I’ll always love the traditional raisin scone for a good English cream tea, but I can never resist a bit of experimentation. This cranberry and orange version really packs in the flavour.  Don’t skimp on those cranberries - they work so well with this recipe (and there’s nothing more disappointing than cutting open a scone to find one or two lonely cranberries in there).

Eat these Cranberry and Orange Scones warm with a little salted butter, or go all-out with the clotted cream and jam. I find that cherry jam works really well, but I bet orange curd would be lovely too. I just need to get Chris to open the jar for me….. 🙂

The Cranberry and Orange Scones Recipe:

Cranberry and Orange Scones - 36Cranberry and Orange Scones - 11Cranberry and Orange Scones - 76Cranberry and Orange Scones - 69Cranberry and Orange Scones - 50Cranberry and Orange Scones - 82Cranberry and Orange Scones - 73