January is soup-month like no other! I’m trying to get better at keeping up with seasonal/holiday trends this year. In the past I’ve been known to just about get a couple of recipes out, right at the last minute. That or forget entirely. Not because I hadn’t thought about it, but more because I’d either thought about it too late, or had already filled up my schedule with other stuff I wanted to make (often off-season recipes that I was craving). Since Chris has been working with me, he’s helped to really get me thinking about planning ahead.

I can’t deny, I was a little disgruntled at first. After all, planning is my thang ???????? I’ve always worked out basic yearly targets, then split those down into monthly targets, and then I’ve planned my weekly plan in with absolute precision (check out my post on Living the Blog about how I plan my weekly blogging timetable). It’s good, it’s fun (well, if you like planning this is ????) and it works! However, Chris is like Nicky-the-crazy-organised-planner Mark II (or maybe even Mark M! That’s 1000 in Roman numerals btw. I had to look that up.) He was cracking the whip, making sure I planned in three, four or even five pieces of Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas content in plenty of time for you guys. Which, as it turned out, was good for me too. And once it was published, I felt enormous satisfaction that I was making useful content.

So I’ve no doubt I’ll be planning more seasonally-correct meals this year, but much like my diet, I’m sure there’ll be blips along the way (I’m trying my best not to publish my nougat cookies so close to Christmas, when everyone is being good. I’ll hold out for as long as I can!). In the meantime, I’ve got more soups, curries and a few Chinese New Year recipes coming up soon!

Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup Recipe:

Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 72Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 88Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 76Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 19Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 66Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup - 61