Now this is what I call vegetarian food for carnivores. They’re so good, it was almost enough to persuade me to buy that deep-fat-fryer that Chris wants us to get. The lure of creamy, crispy delicious fried foods is calling me, with a little ’no don’t do it’ voice coming from the healthy part of my brain that loves the smoothies and the soups. I think a fryer may well drag me away from my ’everything in moderation’ motto, and over to deep frying anything-and-everything (I can see myself now, frying up Mars bars like I’ve heard they do in Scotland). No, I’ll stick with making these for treat, or when I happen to have some leftover risotto. Speaking of which, I made the risotto for these Crispy Tomato Arancini balls using my Creamy Tomato Risotto with crispy garlic crumbs recipe.  It’s a good idea to make double or triple and then have the risotto for dinner, reserving the rest for these arancini. They’re a little messy to make, but they’re so tasty it’s worth the mess. Don’t save these just for parties, they taste great served for dinner with a simple salad, or even with fish. Once you’ve made and cooled the risotto, it’s a simple case of taking a spoonful of the rice, flattening it in your hand and then placing a blob of creamy Boursin cheese in the middle.  Wrap the risotto around the cheese and then dip each arancini ball in seasoned flour, egg and breadcrumbs. You can make them bite-sized (in which case you’ll get more than 18-20) or you can make them golf-ball sized like I did: Once they’re all coated, fry them in batches of 3-4 in hot oil and drain on a rack over the top of some kitchen paper.

Eat them straightaway with a nice salad, or maybe just a large glass of wine 🙂

The Crispy Tomato Arancini balls Recipe:

  Lasagne Spaghetti Bolognese Tomato Risotto Tuscan Chicken Spaghetti and Meatballs Easy Homemade Pasta Chicken Parmesan Chicken Alfredo Pasta Bake and for something sweet Chewy Amaretti Cookies

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