This tasty dish is ready in just 20 minutes. You can serve it as is or on top of spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles. This easy shrimp recipe is ready super fast, and its flavor combination is incredibly fresh and flavorful. This is one of my favorite weeknight dinners, and also one of my favorite ways to prepare shrimp. (Another excellent one is baked shrimp). Butter, garlic, white wine, and lemon juice combine into a delicate-yet-flavorful sauce that perfectly complements the mild flavor of shrimp. Leftovers are great too, as long as you take care to reheat them very gently.


Here’s an overview of the ingredients you’ll need to make shrimp scampi. The exact measurements are included in the recipe card below: Butter: I like to use creamy European butter, but any butter will be great. Minced garlic: Mince it yourself or use the stuff that comes in a jar. Both work. Red pepper flakes: They don’t make the dish spicy - they merely add a layer of flavor. Large shrimp: Peeled and deveined. I like to use tail-on shrimp simply for aesthetic reasons. White wine: You can make the dish with or without it. I do feel it enhances the flavor of the sauce. Kosher salt and black pepper: If using fine salt, you should reduce the amount you use, or the dish could end up too salty. Fresh lemon juice: Do use freshly squeezed juice. It makes a difference. Chopped parsley: Adds not just a splash of color but also another layer of fresh flavor.


Making shrimp scampi is surprisingly easy. Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps:

You start by briefly sautéing the garlic and red pepper flakes in butter.Next, add the shrimp, wine, and kosher salt. Cook until the shrimp are fully cooked - this only takes about 5 minutes.Off heat, stir in the lemon juice, parsley, and black pepper, then serve!

Expert tip

As with most shrimp recipes, the most important thing when making this recipe is to avoid overcooking the shrimp. Once you add them to the saucepan, cook them just until they turn pink and opaque, then remove them immediately from the heat and serve. When overcooked, they become dry and rubbery.

Frequently asked questions


I love this recipe as is and almost always make it as written. But in case you’d like to vary the basic recipe, here are a few ideas for you:

Use good olive oil instead of butter.If you don’t have lemon juice, try using ½ tablespoon of white wine vinegar.You can use cilantro instead of parsley. It has a stronger flavor, but if you like cilantro, I think you’ll enjoy it.

Serving suggestions

This saucy dish is often served on top of pasta, or with crusty bread. But it’s just as good on cauliflower rice, spaghetti squash, or served on its own with a spoon for the sauce. Sometimes I serve this dish with its marvelous sauce on a bed of raw baby spinach leaves. The warm sauce wilts the spinach leaves just enough to have them perfectly cooked. The whole dish is sublime.

Storing leftovers

You can store the leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days. Reheat them very, very gently, to avoid drying them out. If you use the microwave, reheat them covered and use the microwave on 50% power.

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Recipe card

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Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 67Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 98Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 87Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 68Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 8Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 79Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 57Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 11Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 13Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 90Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 42Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 72Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 60Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 81Easy Shrimp Scampi Recipe - 85