Spicy, garlicky, salty and crunchy - these fries are doing a flippin good job of comforting me whilst Chris is working in Vegas. Did that sound like a spiteful ‘working’? I didn’t mean it to.  He is actually working very hard. Today he’s speaking at a conference with so many audience members that I’d want to curl up in a ball behind the lectern and whimper. But apart from the horrors of public speaking, I am insanely jealous. Sat here in our little house in England, trying to persuade the cat from continually walking across my keyboard (why do they do that!!!) with the washing machine spinning in the background.  Vegas it is not. However, these fries are putting a smile on my face because they’re so tasty.  And the one (and only) good thing about Chris being away is that no-one minds that I have garlic breath….. Moving on! These Garlic Chilli Oven Baked Fries are so easy to make.  You don’t have to faff around peeling the potatoes, or heating up pans of oil.  Just chop them up, mix with oil and seasoning then stick them in the oven. For the last minute in the oven, mix in your chillies and garlic, then dish them up, sprinkle with salt and parsley and tuck in!

The Garlic Chilli Oven Baked Fries Recipe:


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