It is keto-friendly, healthy, grain-free and definitely guilt-free too. This is a low carb plant-based rice, you can serve it just about how you would serve rice. I love it with this easy stove top chicken or mixed with vegetables to make it into fried rice.

What is cauliflower and why you need it in your diet

cauliflower belongs to the Brassica oleracea family and it is similar to broccoli, it has many nutritional benefits. I like how the Healthline website, highlighted the goodness and benefits of this vegetable. In summary, here is why you should try and include cauliflower in your diet.

It is a good source of antioxidant, high in fibre and a great alternative to rice or legumes.

Cauli rice is affordable and it will take about 30 seconds tops depending on the size of your blender and the batch you are making.

This is an affordable vegetable and if you are not down for cutting it into florets, simply pick up one from your supermarket’s frozen section. It works like magic every time.

In case you are wondering how it tastes, it doesn’t have the neutral taste like plain white rice. That said, it does have a subtle nutty flavour that would be almost negligible when doused in sauce, with stir fry or seasoned. Related post: If you are loving today’s post then you will love these recipes: Cauliflower steaks and roasted broccoli and cauliflower. Serve this cauliflower rice with this 15 minutes garlic butter chicken bites for a low-carb meal.

Tools to making this plant-based rice

You can rice cauliflower with any of the following kitchen tools A food processor: you can either use the S blade of the food processor or the grater attachment if yours have one. This method is the easiest and quickest way of doing it but you have to be careful so as not to over-process it or it would go mushy. A box grater: yes, you can make it without a food processor using your everyday by grating it by hand as you would with a block of cheese.

How to make cauliflower rice

Rinse the cauliflower head and dry it with a kitchen towel. Make sure you do not skip the step. Cut the vegetable into florets and place in the food processor, and pulse it about 5 to 8 times until rice texture is achieved. Work in batches especially if using the S blade so that the bit at the bottom of the food processor doesn’t over-process. Transfer it to a bowl or a freezer bag and store in the fridge or freezer. Use as desires in recipes.

How to cook cauliflower rice

This plant-based rice is a blank canvas and makes a perfect side dish. Here are different ways of cooking it. Please note that you can’t cook it as you would with actual rice grains. You only need to cook it for few minutes using the following methods below or you run the risk of turning it into mush or a soggy mess. Microwave: This is the fastest and hands-free way of cooking it. Truth be told, it is the least favourite option for me as the smell from the cauliflower can be overpowering. Add the portion you want to cook into a microwavable bowl and microwave between 3 to 5 minutes depending on the power of the microwave used. On the stovetop (saute method): This is my best way of cooking it and I find it extremely easy too. You can season the cauli rice as you deem fit and it takes less than 10 minutes to cook. Please see how I cook it on the stovetop in the recipe card. In the oven: spread the riced cauliflower on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, add any seasoning mix of choice and roast in the oven at 190C/385F for 15 to 20 minutes. Why not try and season your rice with these homemade seasoning, Taco seasoning or Peri peri seasoning.

Tips for making a perfect cauli rice

The great thing about this vegetable is that it can be riced from fresh or frozen. I have tried it a few times with store-bought frozen cauliflower floret and it turned out great. I must say you have to be careful when pulsing it so you do not turn it into mush, nobody likes soggy rice.

Do not overfill the food processor when pulsing as it can leave you with fine grains of rice cauliflower rather than coarse or rice size. That said, when time is of essence, I use my trusted ninja bullet IQ blender and it does the job because of its extractor blade, it is able to do the job in less than 10 seconds.

Let the rice air dry before storing in the fridge or freezer, you separate grains this way.

How to store

Cauliflower rice is best stored raw, what I do is transfer it in a freezer bag or an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to 5 days. I then use it as desired during the week. To store it in the freezer, make sure that you allow the cauli rice to air dry. Transfer it to a freezer bag and store in the freezer for up to 6 months.

More basic cooking recipes

How to cook ground beef How to roast bell pepper Learn how to spatchcock a chicken in easy steps If you made this cauliflower rice, don’t forget to leave me feedback. Tag me @thedinnerbite on Instagram and save away to your Pinterest. Please subscribe to the blog if you haven’t for free new recipes in your inbox DID YOU MAKE THIS RECIPE? PLEASE RATE IT AND LEAVE ME A COMMENT. USE #THEDINNERBITE OR TAG @THEDINNERBITE ON INSTAGRAM SO I CAN SEE YOUR PHOTOS, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR CREATIONS. THANK YOU!

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