Homemade cucumber water is easy and quick and does not require any expertise, I mean how hard can infusing water with fruits and vegetable be. This fruit infused water will definitely quench your thirst and keep you hydrated.

Infused water

You can make cucumber infused water with just two ingredients, cucumber and water but the addition of lemon and lime slices takes it to 100%, with the fresh mint adding some pizzazz to this refreshing drink. No need to wait around for the infusion to happen as this fruits instantly flavours your water. Fruits or vegetable infused water is for you if you don’t like the taste of plain water or you often find yourself adding cordial to water to be able to enjoy it. Drinking water throughout the day helps hydrate your body but as with everything, moderation is key. You are likely to drink more water when you infuse it with fruits or vegetables and this is why I am sharing my simple method with you in easy steps. Enjoying drinking without the guilt of sugar and calorie content. This recipe is naturally sugar free and low in the calorie compared to soda and juice. Even the advertised sugar-free drinks contains some sort of sugar or sweetener. It is also worth knowing that you can infuse water with any combination of fruits and herbs of choice, so do not limit yourself to the two main ingredients used in today’s recipe. Ditch the soda or cordial and let the natural flavours of fruits, vegetables and herbs detox your body in ways you will be thankful for.

What are the benefits of drinking cucumber water

I am sure it won’t come as a surprise to you the many benefits of cucumber and why you should add it to your drinking water from time to time. Apart from keeping you hydrated and quenching your thirst, here are what cucumber water does for you

It aids the digestive system

Good for the skin and overall body wellness.

Aid weight loss

Packed full of antioxidants

It is good for the brain.

It Instantly refreshens you

What you will need

Cucumber: I used English seedless cucumber, mini cucumber will work for this recipe too Water Lemon Lime Mint Ice

How to make cucumber water

Wash and cut off the two ends of the cucumber and thinly slice into any desired shape. I like to use vegetable peeler to make cucumber ribbon, it looks fancy than the regular round shape. It also works well if using a pitcher. If you would be using lemon and lime, make sure to wash them properly before slicing them, this is important especially if the produce is not organic. Fill a pitcher ¾ of the way, add ice if using then add the cucumber ribbon, lemon, lime and mint. Push the fruits into the water so that some sits at the bottom. Your infused water is ready to be served after 30 minutes. for best result, let it sit for about 1 to 2 hours before serving. Can I still eat the fruits after I have infused it in water Yes, is the simple answer to this question. With this recipe, you can eat your cake and have it, but if the fruit had been left to sit in the water for a long time, then the fruit might not be as sweet or firm as it should. That said, you can still eat it or add it to your smoothie. How long is cucumber water good for For personal use, you can store cucumber water in the fridge for up to 12 hours or 2 days at most. Do keep an eye on it, if the fruits starts looking funny or the water taste off, do not drink it. If you will be leaving the infused water to sit out at any point in time, it is best consumed on the day is made. When should I drink fruit infused water? You can drink infused water anytime of the day, It is a great hydrating drink How much water should I drink daily The general rule is to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh. That said, it is also recommended that men drink at least 3.7 litre of water daily while women drink 2.7 litre. Your coffee and tea and some fruits and veg with high water content also counts towards your daily allowance.


Use the freshest produce you can lay your hands on.

Add ice to the water if serving immediately or serving to guest.

Top the pitcher with fresh water and store in the fridge for up to 2 days. Ensure the jug is covered at all times.

More refreshing and tasty cucumber recipes

cucumber salad cucumber juice

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