They are absolutely perfect for breakfast with eggs and avocado, or for dinner with a bowl of chili. Before I learned to make keto cornbread, these muffins were my favorite side to serve with no-bean chili. They are so easy to make and so very flavorful! I still make them often, but now I usually have them for breakfast. The combination of cheese, garlic, and cayenne is really good. Almost too good! I find that I tend to overeat them, so I quickly freeze any leftovers.


You’ll only need a few simple ingredients to make these keto cheese muffins. The exact measurements are listed in the recipe card below. Here’s an overview of what you’ll need: Eggs: I use large eggs in most of my recipes, this one included. Salt: I use sea salt in this recipe. If you use kosher salt, which has less sodium per teaspoon, you can use a little more of it. Spices: I use garlic powder and cayenne pepper. Almond flour: I use blanched finely ground flour in these muffins. I don’t recommend using a coarse almond meal. Baking soda: Helps the muffins rise and keeps them tender and fluffy. Cheeses: I use a combination of shredded sharp cheddar and grated parmesan.


Making these keto cheese muffins is easy! Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps: Your first step is to whisk together the eggs, salt, garlic powder, and cayenne. Now, using a rubber spatula, mix in the almond flour, then the baking soda, and finally the cheeses. Using a 4-tablespoon scoop, divide the batter evenly between lined and greased muffin cups. The last step is to bake the muffins for about 22-25 minutes in a 350°F oven.

Expert tip

I use almond flour in this recipe. Baking with almond flour is so easy. I love how it produces results that are comparable to whole-wheat baked goods. Do make sure you use blanched, finely ground almond flour and not coarse almond meal. It’s possible that almond meal would work, but the texture could be dense and not as fluffy, and you also risk the muffins coming out too dry.

Frequently asked questions


I love this recipe as is and almost always make it as written. But in case you’d like to vary the basic recipe, here are a few ideas for you:

Instead of cheddar, you can use gouda or gruyere.Try adding a pinch of dried oregano or dried thyme.You can mix a handful of bacon bits into the batter.

Serving suggestions

I like to have these tasty muffins for breakfast. They’re absolutely wonderful on their own with my cup of morning coffee. ☕ They are even better with some butter. They’re also great topped with poached eggs or smashed avocado. Sometimes I use them like a roll of sorts, serving them with chili or with hamburger soup for dinner.

Storing leftovers

You can keep the leftovers in the fridge, in an airtight container, for 4-5 days. Reheat them in the microwave on 50% power, starting with 10 seconds per side. You can also freeze these muffins in freezer bags for up to 3 months. It’s easy to defrost them in the microwave.

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Recipe card

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