This is serious comfort food – a low carb one at that!


As with all iconic dishes of the world, I imagine that every Greek family surely has their own version of Moussaka. Well, I like to think they do. I have visions of Greek Mamas having heated debates about what makes a great moussaka, arguing over earth shattering things like:

beef or lamb?? (Traditionally lamb, equally delicious with beef!) potatoes in place of eggplant? (Totally fine, eggplant is just more traditional) blasphemy to bake rather than fry the eggplant? (Once layered up, you can’t tell if it’s baked rather than fried but your skinny jeans will thank you for it. Eggplant is a sponge for oil, my friends!)

Well, Greek Mamas might not have such a pragmatic view as the answers I’ve provided, but hopefully this recipe gets their nod of approval! It’s a traditional recipe sourced from a Greek cookbook called The Food And Cooking Of Greece which I found at my local library back in 2015. Since this time, it has evolved a wee bit pursuant to other Greek cookbooks that have crossed my path, but the core of the recipe is still very much the original recipe.

How to make Moussaka

There’s 4 components to Moussaka: Here’s a quick look at each of these components – or if you prefer, watch the recipe video below or skip straight to the recipe!

Eggplant for Moussaka

Traditionally, the eggplant slices are fried but there’s plenty of recipes (even from Greek cookbooks) that grill/broil, bake or BBQ the eggplant. I’ve opted to bake here (like I do with Eggplant Parmigiana), but actually, the fastest and easiest way to cook the eggplant is on the BBQ. There’s a vast volume of eggplant here and it takes 3 trays. If you’ve got a 4 burner BBQ, you’ll get these thin slices of eggplant cooked within 5 minutes (and no salting required). Why salt the eggplant? Two reasons: to extract excess liquid (otherwise you end up with watery moussaka), and historically also to remove any potential for bitterness (high heat of BBQ will avoid the need for this). These days however the latter is not really necessary, as any bitterness has been bred out of modern eggplants.

Meat Sauce for Moussaka

The meat sauce for Moussaka is traditionally made with lamb but it’s equally delicious with beef. I love the subtle hint of cinnamon and oregano in this – a nice reminder that it’s not to be confused with everybody’s favourite Bolognese! But other than that, the cook method and ingredients in the Moussaka meat sauce is very much the same as Bolognese!

Oh wait – one big difference between Moussaka meat sauce and Bolognese – this is much thicker. Like with Cottage Pie and Shepherd’s Pie. It needs to be, because otherwise it just runs everywhere when you cut into it. 🙂

Béchamel Sauce

This is not your everyday Béchamel sauce! Not like what we see in Lasagna and gratin dishes like this seafood pasta Gratin. It’s made with eggs (which is not in usual Béchamel sauces) so it sets when it bakes. A necessity because Moussaka has a nice big thick layer of Béchamel Sauce, far thicker than I use in Lasagna. If it wasn’t set, it would just run everywhere!

Layering Up

The step photos below are pretty self explanatory I think! It’s no different to layering up a lasagna except we use eggplant in place of pasta sheets. It’s topped with breadcrumbs for a great crunchy topping – because everybody loves a good crunchy topping!

Pop it into the oven to bake away, and THIS is what comes out…

I hate / love that part when you crack through the crunchy golden topping. Hate it, because I just want to admire how great it looks (ok, I’m lying, I want people to admire it  so I can bask in the glory, yes it’s totally childish but let me have that moment because do you KNOW how many pots and pans I dirtied MAKING THIS??!!!) Love it, because when you crack through that golden top and the white bechamel sauce bursts out, you scoop up a big piece and you see all the amazing layers….. the soft eggplant melding together with that rich meat sauce…. It’s a little bit of food heaven, right there. Totally worth every single pot and pan. – Nagi x PS If you’re thinking about all the washing up, double it and that’s about how much mess I created when I made this for the recipe video!!!

More tasty Greek flavours

Moussaka recipe

Watch how to make it

Originally published October 2015, completely overhauled in March 2019 with new photos, step photos, recipe video and most important (of course), addition of a Life of Dozer section!

Life of Dozer

In recent weeks, Dozer’s been slinking back inside mere minutes after getting his daily big juicy bone. Initially, I scolded him, thinking he had buried it and that I’d have to deal with muddy paw prints through the house when he decided to dig it up for snack time. But his furry paws were completely clean. Puzzled, I wondered what was going on. Then I saw THIS: Dozer looking anxiously up into the pine tree at a MAGPIE that had stolen his bone. They must’ve been swooping down and stealing it from right between his paws. I think they’re working in teams and sharing the prize. Dozer’s being bullied by Magpies!!!! 😂😂😂

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