The days of ice cold smoothies have passed for another year! No more shivering whilst you down the icy cold green stuff in order to feel healthy and energised. But don’t put those smoothie makers in the attic! Warm, comforting, yet still-healthy smoothies are a real life thing (honest - I even did a whole series on them last year). This one is creamy and slightly sweet, but with a kick of caffeine, plus some seeds, nuts and oats to get you ready for a busy day. Waaaay better for you than the two-thick-slices-of-buttered-toast-breakfast I had a couple of times last week - that made me just want to crawl back into bed again to sleep it off.

What a weekend it’s been!  I started off Saturday in Manchester at a brilliant blogger PR meeting with Smoking Gun PR - those guys are so much fun.  That was swiftly followed with a me racing to my home town of Southport after hearing that my dad was poorly.  He’s on the mend now thank goodness, but that 55 mile journey to my home town seemed far too long!  It was lovely to spend some time with him and also to eat my mum’s chicken soup 🙂 Back home and logging on this morning, I realised I had absolutely nothing to post! I usually have a few recipes and photos lined up, but not this time.  So what could be better than photographing this Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie my breakfast! …and wow, I had so much more energy than last week after those buttered toast breakfasts! Have you tried any hot smoothie recipes yet? I really hope you try this.  If you do, please read the warning below first about hot liquids and smoothie makers. Warning: Don’t fill your smoothie maker up with hot liquid.  It’s either going to shatter the glass (if you have a glass jug) or it’s going to come wushing out with a tonne of pressure when you open the lid after whizzing things up.  Check your smoothie maker or blender can take warm or hot liquids.  This recipe calls for a little of the warm milk to be added the other ingredients along with cold water before blending. The rest of the warm milk is added after blending.

The Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie Recipe:

Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie - 43Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie - 52Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie - 2Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie - 48Oaty Mocha Hot Smoothie - 30