Prawn Tacos

I want to open with a grand statement like “I’m yet to meet a taco that I don’t love”, but then I remember that time we bravely tried offal street tacos in Mexico City (intestines, to be exact) and how it was clear that the part we got were……errr…let’s say from the lower part of the intestines, with a distinct, unpalatable flavour that will never be forgotten… So I decided to scrap that and just say – PRAWNS! TACOS! MEXICAN FOOD! You cannot go wrong! (It’s probably not the wisest thing to be talking about intestine tacos when I’m trying to convince you that these prawn tacos are a must try. I do have a tendency to write what pops into my head. I apologise if it’s off-putting! 😂)

Marinade for Prawns / Shrimp for tacos

Here’s the marinade I use for the prawns:

Chipotle Powder

The power ingredient in this marinade is chipotle which is ground dried jalapeños. It’s smokey and a bit spicy, and can be irritatingly hard to find in Australia (it’s a standard spice in the US and Canada). Here are other recipes that use Chipotle powder: Meanwhile, this is what we’re using it for – a taco marinade that’s a little bit spicy, a little bit earthy, a little bit lime-citrusy, and just all round GOOD! This is one of my summer taco-bar essentials. Partly because who doesn’t love prawns? And partly because it takes 2 minutes flat to cook!

How to make prawn tacos

Super seedy with a mere 20 minute marinade – even 5 minutes is enough because prawns are actually very delicate and they can’t stand up to long marinading times. In fact, if you leave it in the marinade, the citrus will end up breaking down the flesh too much – essentially a ceviche gone wrong! PRO TIP: We’re using medium / smallish prawns here, suitable size for tacos. Which means they cook SUPER fast. 60 seconds on each side, max – no more, otherwise they will overcook!

What to serve with prawn tacos

You can feel free to stuff these tacos with anything (else) you choose. But today, I’m offering up: But then again, the prawns themselves really are the hero here so you could go as simple as shredded iceberg lettuce and some tomato slices aka Old School Beef Tacos style, and it’s still going to be a winner! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

He pretty much snoozed through all the banging and drilling as the tradies bashed their way around the house. Hence his name – Dozer. It wasn’t until the nail gun started that he finally woke up, yawning and wondering what all the kerfuffle was about.

Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 45Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 91Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 67Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 38Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 58Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 87Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 12Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 33Prawn Tacos  Shrimp  - 19