Made in aid of Comic Relief for bake sale inspiration! - Get your free red nose day baking set for your bake sale - see link at the bottom of this post. I’d love to say I was responsible for this mind-blowing explosion of colours and flavours, but this one is Chris’s creation! He made a rainbow cake a few months ago (which won an award at his office, in a competition they were running), so I had to get him to make it again in aid of Comic Relief! The first time he made it, I had to take photos of him during the cooking process just to prove he made it and not me! People seem to think I’m an expert on anything food because of my little blog, but let me tell you - cake making does not come to me naturally! I can make a decent sponge, but the decorating part drives me crazy! My sister got all the cake decorating genes in our family (because there’s such a thing as cake decorating genes right?) - she makes birthday and wedding cakes for a living. Me on the other hand? Yeah, they mostly look like they got decorated by a five-year-old. Anyway, let me tell you about this crazy cake.

The sponges are coloured using GEL colours. It’s really important to use gel colours as regular food colouring won’t give you the same bright, vibrant result. We use [easyazon_link identifier=“B0000CFN0Y” locale=“US” tag=“kitchsanct-20” localize=“y”]Wilton Gel colours[/easyazon_link] (affiliate link) - the EU approved ones (regarding E-numbers) - the kids go crazy enough with rainbow belts and chocolate without the need for added extras in food colouring!

The buttercream is your regular butter/icing sugar combination, with the addition of red colouring (for red nose day of course) plus a splash of concentrated Vimto squash. Yeah, I know sounds a bit bizarre, but my husband is a big kid and sweetie fiend at heart, and the Vimto taste works brilliantly with the cake. Fizzy rainbow belts and Maltesers that have been decorated with coloured icing to make little red nose faces finishes the whole thing off.

I kid you not, make this for your school or office bake sale and all of those regular cupcakes and brownies will be left behind, because the sheer craziness of this cake means that people can’t resist! Are you planning on holding a bake sale? If you want to bake a massive difference this Red Nose Day then order a free baking kit from the Red Nose Day website here

The Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake Recipe:

Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 97Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 93Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 11Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 90Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 77Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 30Red Nose Day Rainbow Cake - 89