Why oh why oh why did I buy a NINE-PACK of Snickers in preparation for making these mini cheesecakes? These cheesecakes need ONE Snickers bar - for all of them. I know I like to be prepared, but I’m going to have to own up and tell you that I was kidding myself.  I knew I didn’t need nine Snickers bars. I just wanted the leftovers.  All eight of them. Fortunately for me, Chris somehow managed to find the by hiding place for surplus recipe ingredients.  Finding me walking of of the utility room with chocolate round my mouth may have been a giveaway.

So, shall we talk about my diet at this point?  Erm no, lets leave that for another day 🙂 I will talk about these Snickers Cheesecakes bites though.  They are like a mini bite sized version of my no bake snickers cheesecake, I made them for a charity bake sale at school, but now I’m slightly regretting taking all but the test cake in. Drool. (I was going to write that gurgling sound that Homer Simpson makes when he’s drooling, but I’ve no idea how to spell it.  ‘Grrrruuuggle’? ‘Urrrrrghugl’? nope. No idea)

Anyway, I just about managed to photo this half eaten one before inhaling the rest of it. So so good.  I really need to make them again very soon as I’ve been thinking about them ever since.  I guess that’s going to call for another shop for a multi-pack of Snickers bars too…… 😀

The Snickers Cheesecake Bites Recipe:

No-bake Salted Caramel Cheesecake bites Strawberry and Rhubarb Cheesecake Bars blueberry and blackberry mason jar cheesecakes Spiced Pecan Caramel Cheesecake Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries No Bake Snickers Cheesecake

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