Food like this heralds the arrival of summer… we’re just 8 DAYS AWAY AUSTRALIA!!! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 Living on the upper Northern Beaches, I’m not far from a holiday-house destination for the rich called Palm Beach. The wealthy folk who live in waterfront mansions in the Eastern Suburbs (the Beverly Hills of Sydney) who need to escape the stress and dramas of their lives keep gigantic, stunning holiday houses in this beautiful beachside suburb that is the north most coastal point of Sydney. Mind you, Palm Beach is only 90 minutes north of Sydney (or 75 minutes for them, in turbo powered Porsches). But that’s what “they” do – have a mansion close to the city for Monday to Friday, and another mansion up here for weekend and summer escapes. 😂 Thus over the summer months, it gets real busy up here. You start noticing more 6-figure convertibles parked on the streets. Owners of local clothing boutiques and especially the expensive homeware stores rejoice. Restaurants are booked out. I’m not complaining! I love the vibe. There’s definitely more of a buzz in the air when the holiday season starts. And it’s about now that I start making no-cook meals like this Prawn, Mango and Avocado Salad. All those colours!!! This would put anyone in a good mood!

Have you ever tried mango and avocado together? It’s absolutely terrific. Well, I do think it needs a dressing to bring them together and lime is a great choice because lime goes with both so well. Imagine this: creamy avocado and the sweet juicy mango, a slightly tangy lime dressing with the tiniest  hint of warmth from sweet chilli (I totally cheat here and use the bottled stuff), fresh coriander and then those plump, salty prawns….

I served this on a bed of lettuce which I think looks nice and also adds some greens into this plate of tropical sunshine, and justifies calling it a salad (in my world). I’ve used a lettuce called Oakleaf which has kind of soft leaves, rather than crunchy like iceberg, just for a change. But you can use any lettuce you’d like – or skip it, if you want. 😉 If you chop the mango and avocado up smaller, it’s effectively a salsa. So rather than having large chunks like I’ve done here, you could spoon the salsa over the prawns. Or try serving it with corn chips, it’s terrific! I made this Prawn, Mango and Avocado Salad yesterday at lunch, and usually I do my damnedest to avoid dressing more than 1 salad for photos if I’m alone because most dressed salads just don’t keep for very long, they go all soggy, and I really hate wasting food. But today, it was one for me and one for the homeless man at the dog park. He LOVED this. Those prawns…. they are big, plump, tiger prawns. He’s an absolute sucker for anything with prawns. I saw them at the seafood shop yesterday and they looked so good, that’s what inspired me to make this. Hope you’re inspired to give it a go too! – Nagi x  



The ending with Dozer… now that’s true love!


Dozer in a Food Coma (like much of America this Thanksgiving Day I expect!). Oh wait. He may just be sun baking. Or exhausted after a dog park play. Who can tell? He spends a lot of time on this day bed. So, so happy I got a dark grey one.

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